If you have a person who makes life difficult for you or if you have constant problems with a colleague, try the white cross technique.
Hold your personal power quartz crystal in your dominant hand and visualize a white cross over the head of the person you wish to influence.
Then start sending out loving thoughts to the higher self of that person.
Mentally affirm:
‘You do not wish to harm me.
You are becoming more loving.
You are a much more loving person.’
As you think these words and begin to visualize a white cross in your mind’s eye, you will start to notice a different expression on the person’s face.
If s/he has been very nasty towards you, s/he may become suddenly quiet; if s/he has been angry, s/he will start to speak more softly.
The white cross protects you; when it is present no one can harm you.
Something inside the other person yearns to be softer, kinder and more loving in the presence of the white cross. Because of this, whenever you concentrate on the divine presence within those people who wish you harm, their expressions and moods will be altered.
You can use this technique whenever you are in the company of people who are talking negatively about situations or other people.
All you have to do is mentally place the white cross over their heads and they will begin to change within their own consciousness.
This technique is particularly helpful when you have no wish to be part of such a discussion yet feel unable to leave.
Finally, if you hold your Quartz crystal in one hand and a Rose Quartz in the other, you can amplify the Heart Chakra field while visualizing the white cross above the person’s head and you will find it even easier to transform their negative traits into positive ones.
Mentally affirm:
‘You do not wish to harm me.
You are becoming more loving.
You are a much more loving person.’